

Nous proposons des services d'hébergement mutualisé et de serveurs dédiés virtuel


We provide hosting services for all sizes of internet players. We offer shared hosting and virtual dedicated server hosting services.

A human adventure

To offer innovative and quality service, we are surrounded by the best people, who every day, serve our clients and develop tomorrow's technologies. We focus on human values​​, we believe in the collective, because the complexity of our business requires a variety of skills. That's why we trust the talents of our employees. FASTHOSTING (PTY) LTD is a collective of passionate users and not accepting that some hosters do pay high VDS shoddy prices, favoring profit to the community aspect. FASTHOSTING (PTY) LTD is dynamic and can be improved. It is the same for VDS.

High-end infrastructure

For us, the reliability of your data is not an economy or a compromise or an option. We take to heart the responsibility entrusted to us, we leave no room for crafts and invest heavily for many years in our servers, using only components from reputable manufacturers, high-end associated with monitoring tools perfected.

Offering unprecedented performance

We know exactly what you need: fair performance with a fast network and a near 100% uptime. The performance is not only related to the processor where the amount of memory. We optimized our entire platform to offer a wide range of server and storage configurations, Associate wide network of international operators capabilities.

5 Brewery Street 1600 Johannesburg South Africa

Tel.: +27420040100