
Why choose a virtual dedicated server (or VDS) ?

Considerations of safety, reliability, performance and availability
can lead them to opt to use a virtual private server

What are the differences between a virtual dedicated server and other hosting solutions?

Web hosting Virtual dedicated server is one of the hosting packages offered by suppliers. It is a technique of partitioning a powerful server for multiple independent virtual servers, each with the characteristics of a dedicated server. This solution combines the advantages of a low cost of shared web hosting and high performance and availability of a dedicated web hosting.

The benefits of VDS hosting

The virtual dedicated server, because of its structure, operational independence and autonomy from the rest of the platform that supports it, which gives it the appearance of more advanced security. The hosts use a reliable and efficient equipment that can withstand the load mounted. With administrative tools at your disposal, you have the ability to monitor traffic on your VDS. You can also perform the installation of all utilities, scripts and software that you deem necessary for the operation of your site. This solution is ideal for professional applications or sites belonging to both people dedicated to companies of any size.

The VDS is a reliable platform that is appropriate for storing backup files. You can also receive assistance from the host, which covers aspects of maintenance, installation and updating patches virtual dedicated server. The host may also provide periodic backup operations. The unavailability of your site is minimized and, if a major shutdown maintenance constraint is felt, you are warned in time. With the competition, you can find deals VDS, with a set of attractive services for a reasonable price.

Why choose a dedicated server?

Considerations of safety, reliability, performance and availability can lead them to opt to use a virtual dedicated server. The VDS is by far cheaper than dedicated servers. As for shared hosting, it is based on the sharing of resources such as disk space, bandwidth and main memory among a very large number of sites in order to amortize the cost of services provided. This sharing has implications for the availability and security of your data. Other sites may put your data at risk, especially if they have security vulnerabilities. The machines used are less efficient, therefore unreliable. Suppliers make no warranties as to the data backup. This hosting plan is suitable for sites and applications with low to medium traffic and not required availability.

Choosing a web hosting depends on your profile and what you intend to do. Indeed, if you are a beginner or if you are an expert, the server is best for you will not ever be the same. Indeed, the dedicated server is primarily intended for professional users with more advanced that a person using a shared hosting expertise. With a dedicated, it is you who manage the administration of your server. You are completely independent and you can manage the way you want the different applications you install on your server. In addition, the resources present in the purchase of your dedicated server, your VDS server or your Cloud server are much more important than shared hosting formulas: more disk space, MySQL databases, unlimited email accounts . Choose a dedicated server interest you so if you have a site relatively large and if the traffic is high.

What can I install on my server?

The significant advantage of the server is its complete lack of restraint. And since resources are more important than a dedicated server shared hosting, then it is easier to install greediest sites resources. For example, if you want to shop online e-commerce sites or install relatively large and where the traffic is heavy, then this server offer is for you!

The advantages of VDS fasthosting.net.za:

  • Bids based on high-end discounted architectures;
  • Service levels and guarantees better than VDS market;
  • The VDS designed, tested and optimized for the Web uses;
  • Simple job distributions, installable at any time.

Virtual dedicated servers allow you fasthosting.net.za a gradual transition from web hosting to self-control of a virtual server. According to the growth of your applications and the desire for autonomy, you move in a range of services to the quality / price unmatched.

VDS is the ideal compromise between, on the one hand, freedom of dedicated and on the other hand, the flexibility of evolution and the peace of mind offered by virtualization.

Servers Virtualized solution allows you to go beyond the limits of a traditional configuration hosting service and provides some of the features of a dedicated server for all applications that do not require the performance, extreme configurability and the complete isolation of this service.

The Virtual Servers are recommended if:

  • You want a compromise between Shared Hosting and Dedicated Servers
  • You do not need your server to be physically separated from other
  • You do not need to network among multiple servers
  • You want to limit the activation cost of Dedicated Servers
  • You do not need special hardware to be on the machine (external devices, dongles, cards, etc.)